Voki.com Here and totally for free the company behind a site called Site Pal have have made this simple but powerful tool available to anyone. It has been used very creatively for teaching.
Sign up to create a username and login to start being creative.
Why use Voki in language teaching?
Three audio options:
- Record directly
- Pre-precord (upload a file)
- Text to speech (recognises a range of languages)
- Students can practice and listen to their speech.
- Have fun in creating different images - avatars of oneself, of famous people to give words to in the target language or create completely fictional characters.
- Especially useful for shy pupils, but useful for all in terms of encouraging accuracy and time spent rehearsing.
- Post to a blog/website/Moodle page to share.
- Use "Comments" Feature offers opportunity to encourage appropriate feedback.
- Start with Text-to-Speech and move on to recording.
- Pre-record using Digital voice recorders or Audacity.
Pupils can create real or fictional version of them selves or act as news/weather reporter, foreign correspondent, eye-witness to a crime scene/accident historical event …etc.
Simple short speeches on topics such as home, pets, school subjects.
Create a Voki for each of the teachers in the school speaking the Target language…(with teachers permission, of course…virtual staff room).
Your ideas? Comments welcome.
Details on how to create a Voki:
How to Embed a Voki in a Blog post
Translation tool - would you use this?
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